Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dub the Scene!

Hey folks,

To mix things up a bit I've decided to introduce a monthly blog game, which I have called: Dub that Scene!

Here's the premise: Once a month I will upload a screen shot from a random anime/manga. Your job is to do the following:

Email me a short statement describing what is happening in the scene or what the character(s)
are thinking/saying.

The point is not to literally describe the scene or actually quote the characters if you recognize the anime/manga. The point is the entertain by making fun-of the images by pairing them with witty, ironic, and amusing statements!

I will leave the the screen shot up for about a week - during which time you can email me your statements. After about a week I will gather all your entries and place them up in a poll -then all of you can vote on your favourites! The voting period will last until the next meeting, where we will announce the winner!

I will need at least two entries in order to be able to put up the poll and have the contest.

Send me an email if you have any questions.

And with out further ado, here's the first screen shot:


Send me your ideas folks!

All the best,


1 comment:

  1. Spiderman~ Spiderman~
    Does whatever a spider can~
    Spins a web, any size,~
    Catches thieves just like flies~
    Look Out!!!
    Here comes the Spiderman~

