Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Anime North

For those of you who might not know, Anime North is THE convention to go to for all things japanese pop culture. And seeing how it is approaching in a couple of months, I thought I'd provide you with some information.

The convention will be happening May 28- May 30. You can pre-register at this time, just head to the home page: http://www.animenorth.com/main/ ,click Registration on the side bar, and follow the instructions. Please note that you can only pre-register if you get a weekend pass - meaning you plan to attend all weekend. If you only plan to go for one day, you have to pay for your ticket the day of - which means waiting in line. Though really, that isn't all bad. You get to see and meet interesting people in line.

However, if I could make a suggestion? If you have never been to AN, and plan on going for one day to check it out, I suggest either Friday if you want a less overwhelming experience, or Saturday, if you want to be at the core of the action. Don't go on Sunday. You just get the tail end of everything. Sunday's only good for last-minute panels and discounts on merchandise.

If you have any questions, comment or email me.


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