Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Every Anime Opening Ever

Melvin has once again sent me an awesome video he found here.
The following video is a collection of anime openings showcasing the repeated use of the same imagery.

Watching this video really does make one realize how many anime openings use the same images. It's quite hilarious actually. It's also fun so see how many anime openings you can identify through the short opening clips. Have fun.

All the best,


Friday, November 26, 2010

University of Toronto Anime and Manga Association

Since some people showed an interest in knowing more about university manga clubs, I thought I'd give you guys the link to the U of T club I am a member of: UTAMA.

This club is a great place to meet people and make friends. I've met some of my best friends through this club. They have monthly meetings, and a variety of group outings and events throughout the year. The forums are also a great place to interact. Even if you don't plan on going to U of T, I'd check out/join the forums if you want a good place to interact with fans and discuss a variety of topics (there's more then just manga and anime out there too).

All the best,


Friday, November 5, 2010

Wanted: Magical School Girl. Costume Change Required

For those of you who are fans of magical school girls and costume changes, here's some suggestions for you:

Magic Knight Rayearth by CLAMP

Zodiac P.I by Natsumi Ando

Kamizaki Kaito Jeanne by Arina Tanemura

Card Captor Sakura by CLAMP

Wedding Peach by Nao Yazawa

Pixie Pop by Ema Toyama

Revolutionary Girl Utena by Chiho Saito

Tokyo Mew Mew by Reiko Yoshida and Mia Ikumi

